Record Detail Overview (Legacy)

Record Detail Overview (Legacy)

Note: The following article describes the sections and options available in the legacy Record layout. The current Record layout contains the same sections and options with a different interface. See Record Detail Overview for more details if you are using the new layout.

The primary means of viewing and editing detailed information for a Record in AdvisorEngine CRM is in the Record Detail view. Nearly every relevant piece of data for a Record can be found in this view.

The Record Detail area contains a number of sections in which data may be stored. See below for reference of which sections are available, their purpose, and links to further information as needed.

Tip: The more complete and thorough you are when storing information in a Record, the greater flexibility you will have in reporting later on. Be sure to explore the Record Detail area thoroughly to determine which areas will be most important for your firm to consistently keep track of. We have created an Important Fields Best Practice Guide to help you determine which fields may be most useful.

Record Summary

The Record Summary allows a quick view of the primary details of a Record and the Persons associated. Most of the information displayed here is collated from other areas of the Record. Some high-level information is set or edited in the summary, such as Record Name, Service Level, Advisors, Owner and Editor Groups, Classifications, and Tags to name a few.

Each card in the Record Summary can be expanded to show additional details about the Record or the Person the card is about. Beneath the cards, a Record Alert may be set to provide important information to anyone viewing the Record.

Related articles:

Profile > Contact Info

The Contact Info section and its sub-sections stores any means you have of getting in touch with the Record and the associated Persons, such as phone numbers, email, address, and social media. Persons for the Record are also added and defined or linked here.

Related articles:

Profile > Personal

Store personal details about the Persons in the Record, such as Interests or Favorites and details about personally identifiable information such as SSN, Driver’s License, or Passport information. This section also contains an area for storing one-off notes that need to be logged but don’t fit any particular field.

Related articles:

Profile > Engagement

Store details about how your firm interacts with the Record, such as how and when your professional relationship began or overall client financials and objectives. This section also allows you to set how frequently you would like to meet with the client and how the client’s business was referred to you.

Related articles:

Profile > Employment

Track all details regarding the employment of any Person on the Record.

Profile > Relationships

Relationships allow you to define ways in which one Record is related to another, creating intelligent links between Records. For example, you can relate parents to children, clients to CPAs, or employees to a business.

This section also stores Informational Contacts, which is a place to log related contact information that does not need its own Record.

Related articles:

Profile > Referrals

The Referrals section is a list of all other Records the current Record has sent to your firm. Every Record that has been referred by the current Record will appear in this Grid. Changes to this data are not made in this Grid but rather in the Engagement section of the referred Records.

Related articles:

Profile > Revenue

Log and track revenue generated for your firm by this Record.

Related articles:

Profile > User Fields

If you need to track information specific to your firm that AE CRM does not have an existing field for, you can create and use a custom User Field. Once you’ve defined the fields you need, the content of those fields for each Record are edited and viewed from the User Fields section.

Related articles:

Profile > Service Monitors

Track and adjust existing Services you have defined for the Service Level assigned to this Record.

Related articles:

Actions > Actions

View and access all Actions associated with the current Record.

Related articles:

Actions > Recurring Action Definition

View, edit, or create definitions that trigger Actions on a recurring basis for this Record.

Related articles:


Access and work with all documents stored to the current Record.

Related articles:

Financials > Asset/Liability

View or edit all asset and liability information logged in the current Record.

Related articles:

Financials > Insurance

View or edit all insurance policy information logged in the current Record.

Related articles:

Financials > Estate Planning

View, add, or edit all estate planning information logged in the current Record.

Related articles:

Financials > Income/Expenses

View, add, or edit all regular income or expense information by year logged in the current Record.

Related articles:

Financials > Taxes

View, add, or edit all tax information by year logged in the current Record.

Related articles:


View or update information on new business opportunities the current Record presents to your firm.

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View a list of all email captured to the current Record. See the contents of the message, reply to/forward the message, or jump to the associated Action as needed.

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