Navigating a Record (Legacy)

Navigating a Record (Legacy)

Note: The following article describes the sections and options available in the legacy Record layout. The current Record layout contains the same sections and options with a different interface. See Record Navigation Overview for more details if you are using the new layout.

Being able to quickly navigate and access all needed Record sections will drive your efficient use of AdvisorEngine CRM. The following navigation features are available:

Change Layouts

To switch from the legacy Record layout to the new Record layout, go to Tools > View New Record layout. You can switch freely between layouts any time.

Record Information Tree

All sections of the Record can be accessed from the navigation tree found under the Record Information heading. Click on any section to jump directly to it. See Record Detail Overview (Legacy) for a description of each section.

Quick Links

Quick Links that have been defined appear at the top of the Record Navigation panel. Click any Quick Link to jump directly to that section. See Using Quick Links for information on defining and organizing your personal Quick Links.


The Record Navigation panel can be pinned open to always be accessible or unpinned so it appears as a pop-up when you hover over the Record Nav button. Use the pushpin to toggle the state.

Quick Info

From the toolbar, hover over Quick Info to quickly see the Advisor 1, Advisor 2, and CSR assigned to the Record. The Quick Info bar can be pinned or unpinned using the pushpin .

Summary Quick Look

The Summary Quick Look allows you to quickly view the contents of the Record Summary regardless of where you are in the Record. From anywhere in the Record, click the Summary Quick Look. The Record Summary will expand from the toolbar as an overlay. Click the Summary Quick Look again to collapse the overlay.

Return to List

Click Return to List to jump back to the Record Workspace Grid you were viewing before accessing the Record. This will include any filters, sorts, or searches that you had applied. This button will not be available if you did not enter the Record from the Record Workspace.

Next/Previous Record

Use the Previous Record and Next Record buttons to navigate through Records in the order they were displayed in the Record Workspace Grid you came from. Any filters, sorts, or searches you had applied will be taken into account when paging through the Records. These buttons will not be available if you did not enter the Record from the Record Workspace.

Record Commands

The Record Commands allows quick access to common Record-level activities, such as adding an Action, creating correspondence (email or printed document), or generating a report on the Record. Record-manipulation tools to copy, merge, or split Records are also available here.

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