Asset imports in AdvisorEngine CRM allow you to store one or more Configurations for each Import. This allows you to run imports with different settings, or break large imports across multiple files.
You can now make any of the following changes:
Edit the Config Name
Use this field to adjust the name of the configuration to distinguish between two or more configurations you may use.
Update Credentials (Unattended Imports Only)
Change the Username or Password required to obtain your financial data from your Portfolio Management System.
Change Alert Group (Unattended Imports Only)
The User Group to Receive Alerts drop-down allows you to specify which group of users will receive system alerts for the progress of unattended imports.
Rep Codes
If your asset import allows or requires filtering by Rep Codes, enter them here, as a comma-separated list (eg "22,23,24").
Exclude Market Value Zero Assets
Select this checkbox to have any asset with a zero market value ignored when asset imports are run.
Select Additional Fields to Update
to expand a list of optional fields to update in AE CRM each time you run the import. These fields are filled the first time an asset is imported regardless, but not updated on subsequent imports unless you select the checkbox here.Alternate Import Configurations allow you to run imports with different configuration settings without the need to manually change the settings each time. Once you've created a new configuration, use the steps above to adjust the settings on that configuration.
To create a new Import Configuration:
The new configuration is created and ready to be edited, as described above.
If you no longer need an import configuration and want to remove it from the list of options, follow these steps:
Deleting the last import configuration for an import Interface will remove the Interface from your list of import Interfaces. You will need to add it again to run the import in the future.