AdvisorEngine CRM Security

AdvisorEngine CRM Security

AdvisorEngine CRM data is safe and secure, protected behind enterprise firewalls and advanced security systems, while industry-standard SSL technology authenticates server connections and encrypts all session traffic.

AdvisorEngine CRM hosting facilities are regularly audited by an independent accounting and auditing firm. Examinations typically include the controls related to security monitoring, change management, service delivery, support services, backup and environmental controls, logical and physical access.

Every facility where data is housed is certified at the SSAE 16 Type II SOC 1 level, indicating that selected processes, procedures, and controls have been formally evaluated and tested by an independent accounting and auditing firm (service auditor). This includes controls related to security monitoring, change management, service delivery, support services, backup and environmental controls, logical and physical access. The SSAE 16 Type II SOC 1 supersedes and effectively replaces the Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 70 Type II as designated by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) as an acceptable method for a user organization's management to obtain assurance about service organization's internal controls without conducting separate assessments.

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