Embedding Calendly in Web Forms

Embedding Calendly in Web Forms

After enabling the Calendly Integration with AdvisorEngine CRM, you can embed a calendly event invite into your CRM Web Forms, prompting prospects to immediately schedule time to meet with you.

Calendly invites are specific to the AE CRM user that creates the Web Form. In other words, the Web Form will always display the Calendly invite of the user who created the Web Form.

Adding Calendly to a Web Form

When creating or editing a Web Form with the Calendly integration active, a new Calendly tab will appear during the setup process. See step 7 of the Creating a Web Form process for the full context.

On this tab, select Include Calendly to enable the feature and set the options detailed below.

  • Calendly Event: Select the event invite to be embedded in the form.
  • Hide Page Details: Choose whether to include the page details in the Calendly embed.
  • Hide GDPR banner: Choose whether to include the standard GDPR banner in the Calendly embed.
  • Action Template: Select the Action Template that will trigger when the event is booked.
  • Invitee Cancel Option: Select how the Action will be affected if the event is cancelled: Complete Action, Do Nothing, or Delete the Action.
  • Create Alert: Choose whether or not to create an alert when the event is booked.

Web Forms and Calendly Behavior

When a prospect completes a Calendly event invite, an Action and Appointment are created. Because an Action requires a Record and a prospect is not yet a Record, the following steps are taken automatically by AE CRM:

  1. A new Record, given the same name as the Web Form, is created if it does not already exist.
  2. The prospect event Action (as configured above) is attached to the Web Form Record.
  3. The calendar event is created.
  4. If the user promotes the Prospect to a full Record from the Prospect Grid, the Action and calendar event are automatically moved from the Web Form Record to the new Record created.

Cancellation Behavior

If a prospect is not legitimate, you can remove the prospect like any other Web Form response (see Handling Web Form Responses). If a calendly event was created, you will need to also manually cancel the event from Calendly. The associated Action will follow whatever cancellation criteria was configured in the Web Form settings above.

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