Calendly Integration

Calendly Integration

The AdvisorEngine CRM Calendly integration allows for accepted calendar invitations from Calendly to create Action items within AE CRM, and be updated should those calendar items be rescheduled or cancelled. Whether an Action is created and which Workflow Template is used can be configured for each Calendly Event type the user has.


The Calendly integration has the following requirements before it can be used:

  • You must have completed Email Setup.
  • The calendar used for Calendly must be Added to AE CRM.
  • Your Calendly subscription must be Standard or higher. Free accounts do not have the Webhook feature that the integration requires.
  • Your Calendly Notifications and Cancellation Policy settings must be set to Calendar Invitations, not Email Confirmations.
  • Your Calendly Cancellation Policy must include cancel and reschedule links in notifications.


To enable the Calendly integration:

  1. Navigate to your User Profile > User Preferences.
  2. Click Edit to begin making changes.
  3. Click Setup on the Calendly line under Integrations. You will be prompted to continue to Calendly to verify your credentials and grant permissions.
  4. Enter your Calendly credentials and click the Connect to Calendly button.

At this point you will be returned to AE CRM to configure the integration. See below for configuration details.

To disable the Calendly integration, clear the Calendly Enabled checkbox in the Calendly Setup dialog.


The Calendly Setup dialog opens automatically after the initial connection has been made, or by returning to the User Preferences tab and selecting Setup on the Calendly Integration line.

The following configuration options are available:

Calendly Enabled

Select or clear this checkbox to enable or disable the integration.

Default Action Template

Select the Workflow Template that will be used by default to generate an Action when a calendar invite from Calendly is accepted. This behavior can be overriden with the override Grid below.

Invitee Cancel Option

If the invitee chooses to cancel an invitation, select automatic behavior within AE CRM.

  • Complete Action: The Action created for the appointment will be marked as complete and the Action Notes will be updated with details of the cancellation. (Note that if the Workflow has child steps, they will not be triggered as part of this process.)
  • Do Nothing: No change will be made to the appointment Action other than updating the Notes with the cancellation details.
  • Delete the Action: The Action is deleted and removed from the system.

Create an alert for events

Select this checkbox to generate an Action Alert any time an invitation is accepted, rescheduled, or cancelled.

Default Override Grid

The Grid at the bottom can be used to create rules specific to different Calendly event types. You can select different Workflow Templates for different events or have specific events ignored by AE CRM.

  1. Click + Add New to begin a new rule.
  2. Select the Calendly Event Type to override the default for.
  3. Either select an alternate Action Template or select the Ignore checkbox.
  4. Click the add command to create the new rule.

Use the edit command to make changes to a rule, and the remove command while in edit mode to remove a rule.

Behavior and Use

When an invitee accepts an event, the system checks to see if the email address invited matches a Record in the system. The following criteria must be met to match (note this is the same criteria for automatic email capture):

  • The email address invited must match an email address (Record or Person) on a Record.
  • The Record must have a Classification of Client or Email.

If a match is found, an Action is created on the matched Record, based on the Workflow Template defined during setup. The Action Notes are automatically populated with the following information:

  • Date and time the invitation was accepted
  • The name of the invitee
  • The location
  • The date, time, and time zone of the event
  • Any additional information the invitee entered in the invite.

Additionally, the Start Date and Due Date of the Action are set to the event date, and an Action Tag of Calendly is applied.

If the invitee reschedules the event, the Action Notes and Due Date if necessary are updated with the new information. The new information is appended to the Action Notes, it will not replace the original notes or anything that was added in the meantime.

If the invitee cancels an event and the cancellation behavior has not been set to Delete in Setup, the Action Notes are again updated with the cancellation information.

With Web Forms

If your firm uses Web Forms for prospecting, you can embed a Calendly event link into the web form flow. See Web Forms Overview for more details.

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