The Laser App Enterprise integration allows you to temporarily push client data stored in AdvisorEngine CRM Records directly into your locally-installed version of Laser App Enterprise. This article covers the following topics:
The Laser App Enterprise integration is enabled per User in AE CRM. Each user that wants to take advantage of the integration should perform the following steps:
Send to Laser App Enterprise from within a Record is now enabled.
Once the integration is enabled for your User (above), you can send any Record to Laser App Enterprise.
The bulk of information pushed to Laser App Enterprise is from Person 1 in the Record. Records must have at least a Person 1 to be sent to Laser App Enterprise.
Trouble getting the file download to work? Check our help topic on File Not Downloading When Selected.
Laser App Enterprise not opening when you launch the file? You may need to change your file type association for LASXML files in Windows. Contact your IT if you need assistance.
The mappings from AE CRM to Laser App Enterprise are largely intuitive, but if you need to know exactly which fields in AE CRM correspond to which fields in Laser App Enteprise, you can download the following PDF which lays out the exact mapping of each field and where they can be found in each program.