Dashboard Card: Actions Due Today by Employee

Dashboard Card: Actions Due Today by Employee

Actions Due Today by Employee is a visualization card available for AdvisorEngine CRM Dashboards. For a full list of available cards, see Dashboards Card Library.

Actions Due Today by Employee

The Actions Due Today by Employee displays how many Actions up to 10 employees have due on the current date in a bar graph format.

The following filters and features are available:

View By

Only 10 Employees may be viewed at a time in the graph. Select to view the Top 10 Employees or Custom Select to manually select which 10 you wish to view.

Filter by Priority, Service Level, Type, or Category

Click the Priority, Service Level, Type, or Category drop-down in the upper right to filter the Actions you are viewing.

  • Remove filters by clicking remove by the item name.
  • Remove all currently selected filters in a category by clicking in the bottom right.
  • Add filters by clicking and selecting the items to add. Click to collapse the selection drop-down.
  • Click APPLY to confirm your changes.

Drill Down

Click any employee’s bar to view a grid of the specific Actions due today assigned to that employee.

Click View All Employees at the bottom to view a grid of all Actions due today.

  • Use the Search box to search for a particular Action by Assignee, Record Name, or Action Type.
  • Click to export the Grid to CSV. You may select additional columns of data to include before downloading the CSV.
  • Click any row to be taken directly to the selected Action.

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