Dashboard Card: Action Items

Dashboard Card: Action Items

Action Items is a visualization card available for AdvisorEngine CRM Dashboards. For a full list of available cards, see Dashboards Card Library.

Action Items

The Action Items Card allows you to see Actions due today, past due, or upcoming for whichever users you select.

Select View

Use the Today, Past Due, or Upcoming buttons to choose which category of Actions to view.

Sort By

Choose the order the Action list displays in. You can choose ascending or descending of Due date, Owners (Assignee), Type, Category, or Service Level.

Filter by Service Level, Type, Category, Priority, or Assignee

Click the Service Level, Type, Category, or Assignees drop-down in the upper right to filter the Actions you are viewing.

  • Remove filters by clicking remove by the item name.
  • Remove all currently selected filters in a category by clicking in the bottom right.
  • Add filters by clicking and selecting the items to add. Click to collapse the selection drop-down.
  • For the Assignee filter, you can toggle whether to view only Active users or all users for selection.
  • Click APPLY to confirm your changes.

Action Options

On the list of Actions, click expand to see more details on any Action.

Click the Action ID (when the Action is expanded) to open the Action in a new tab.

Click at the head of the row to mark an Action Complete.

Use the more menu to either View/Edit Action in full detail or Print Action in a new tab. (Note that changes made to an Action will not be reflected in the Dashboard until you refresh the page.)

View in Action Workspace

Click View in Action Workspace at the bottom of the card to open the Action Workspace with the currently selected filters enabled.

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