Creating an Appointment from an Action

Creating an Appointment from an Action

To use Calendar features, your Calendar must first be Added to AdvisorEngine CRM.

AE CRM has the capability to create an appointment on your Calendar directly from an Action, creating a link between the two items, and copying over relevant information from the Action to the Calendar appointment all at once. You can also perform this in reverse, and Link Calendar Appointments to Actions.

  1. With the Action open in Edit Mode, click More > Calendar at the top to create an appointment linked to the Action. (If you have multiple calendars linked to AE CRM, you will be prompted to choose the calendar to add the Appointment to.)
  2. The Appointment will automatically populate with as many details from the Action as it is able, including Subject, Details, and Date (Date will either be the Due Date if Action is Required or the current date if there is no Due Date). Make any additions or adjustments needed to the appointment details.
  3. Click Save to add the appointment to your calendar.
  4. Click Return to Action in the upper right to return to the Action.

When you open the Action Detail of the linked Action, you will see that the Calendar link is denoted in the Linked Items line. The Calendar Appointment can be opened directly from the Action as well.

You can click the Action ID link from the Appointment Details to open the linked Action and make any necessary changes/entries in the Action.

Caution! The details that fill in to the calendar appointment are a one-time copy. Changes made to the Action or appointment going forward will not update the other automatically.
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