Microsoft 365: Firm Setup

Microsoft 365: Firm Setup

AdvisorEngine CRM has two levels of setup for email capabilities from within the program. The overall email provider must be specified at the Firm level, as detailed below. Once this is established, each User may complete their individual setup to enable sending and capturing email, calendar sync, and contact sync features from within the CRM.

Warning! If you are transitioning from the Microsoft Exchange setup to Microsoft 365, ensure that all users of the Local Outlook Add-in uninstall the Add-in before proceeding. If you don't know how to uninstall a Windows program, see Windows 10: Repair or Remove Programs or the support documentation for your particular OS.

Additionally, Verify Your Exchange Provider is, in fact, Microsoft 365 before attempting to transition.

To set your firm Email and Calendar provider as Microsoft 365:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Firm Profile > Firm Preferences.
  2. Click Edit in the upper right to make changes to the settings.
  3. Set the Email Configuration > Provider Setup drop-down to Office365.
  4. Click Save in the upper right to confirm your changes.

No further setup is needed at the firm level. You will be immediately prompted to begin your Microsoft 365: User Setup. All other firm users will receive the same prompt on next login.

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