Microsoft Exchange: User Setup

Microsoft Exchange: User Setup

After your CRM Admin user has completed the Microsoft Exchange: Firm Setup, each user can complete the User Setup process below to enable sending email and calendar sync from within AE CRM.

After this process is complete, you will need to Install the Local Outlook Add-in to enable email capture features if desired.

Note: This process varies based on your Exchange provider. If your Exchange service is provided by a Microsoft 365 service, see the first set of directions. For all other providers, see below that.

User Email Setup: Microsoft 365 provider

After the Firm administrator has finished the Firm Setup (linked above), each user will be prompted to give permission to connect to their Office365 service. The following options are presented:

  • Ok: Proceed to authenticate with Microsoft 365. The user will be directed to the Microsoft 365 login screen and redirected back to the AE CRM Microsoft 365 Configuration page after successfully authenticating.
  • Opt Out 1: The User will not have email or calendar features enabled and will no longer receive prompts to authenticate.
  • Ask Later: User will receive the prompt again on next login. Email and calendar features will not be available until the process is completed.

1 A User that has opted out can manually re-enable the feature and authenticate from User Profile > User Preferences by clicking Setup for Email Logon.

User Email Setup: Other Exchange Providers

Caution! If you have 2-Factor Authentication enabled for your Microsoft account, you will need to generate an App Password for AE CRM. Use the created App Password in the steps below instead of your usual account password. The exact process may vary depending on your Office account:
  1. Navigate to your User Profile > User Preferences.
  2. Click Edit to begin making changes.
  3. Click Setup under Email Configuration > Email Login. The Email Setup window will open.
  4. Enter your Email Address, Username (typically your email address again), and Password for your email account. If you are unsure what these might be, please check with your IT provider.
  5. Note for IT:
    If your Exchange structure has multiple domains, specify the user’s domain in the Username box as DOMAIN\Username.
  6. Click Ok to confirm your credentials.
  7. Click Save in the upper right to confirm your changes.

If the setup was successful, you will receive an email automatically from AE CRM to your inbox. The email will say, "JunxureCloud successfully sent an email."

You will now be able to use the Correspondence Assistant for email and Create Email from Actions.

Next Steps

Once User Setup is complete, you can now proceed with the following additional setup options:

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