Adding and Reorganizing Workflow Steps

Adding and Reorganizing Workflow Steps

As a the story of a client interaction proceeds, you will need to add to or even reorganize the Actions that make up that story.

Adding New Steps to a Workflow: Part of Template

If the step you need to add is part of the Workflow Template the Workflow is based on, then completing the Action prior to the step you need will prompt you to add the next available step in the Workflow.

Example: The Workflow Summary below shows steps that are part of the original template that have not yet been added, marked with . Marking the Action prior to one as Complete and saving will bring a prompt to add the next step in the workflow.

Adding Steps to a Workflow: New Steps

If you need to add an entirely new step:

  1. Identify where you want the new step to exist in the Workflow.
  2. Go to whichever Action card it should be a child of and click More > Add Related Action.
  3. Select whether to add a Blank Action or a Workflow Template to build from. The Add Action dialog will open.
  4. Enter the relevant details, just as you would when Adding an Action.
  5. If the new Action step fulfills the requirements of the previous Action, you can click Complete Parent, Save & Close. Otherwise, Click Save & Close.

Reorganizing the Steps in a Workflow

If an Action is added in the wrong location of a Workflow or your process has changed, you can reorder the position of the Action card within the Workflow using the Summary pane on the left. The original Parent Action and any Actions waiting to be added cannot be moved.

In the Action Summary pane, click and drag the step you want to move. The graphical indicator will help show you where it will be placed:

  • Step will be made a sibling of the adjacent Action.
  • Step will be made a child of the Action.

All child steps under the Action you move (including any that have not been added yet) will be moved as well.

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