Setting a Landing Page

Setting a Landing Page

It is possible to control the section of AdvisorEngine CRM that loads first when you log in. By default you will be assigned a dashboard relevant for your Role in your user profile.

The following areas are available to choose from:

  • Home Screen
  • Dashboards
  • Records Workspace
  • Last 20 Records Workspace
  • Actions Workspace
  • My Pending Actions Workspace
  • My Past Due and Due Today Actions Workspace
  • Last 20 Actions Workspace
  • Opportunities Workspace
  • Open Opportunities Workspace
  • My Opportunities Workspace
  • Last 20 Opportunities Workspace
  • Assets Workspace
  • Last 20 Assets Workspace
  • Insurance Workspace

Setting a Landing Page

  1. Navigate to any of the above areas.
  2. Click the home icon in the upper-left. The icon will turn black.

Changing Your Landing Page

Repeat the above steps for another area. The original selection will be automatically removed and replaced with the new choice.

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