Opportunities Reporting

Opportunities Reporting

I have already submitted another request to improve opportunities reporting within a dashboard. However, in the interim, the current reporting can also be improved.

1) I sort my opportunities by type (drag the opportunity type column to the top). This way 401k opps are bunched together, as are AUM, financial plan, etc. Once a report is sorted by a column, that column should disappear from the report. I don't need to continue to see the opportunity type column, because the whole report is now sorted by this. It just clutters up the reporting.

2) Add a sub-totals option. This would allow us to see AUM/revenue associated with each opportunity type and give us a clear picture of our opportunity pipeline. We should not have to export this to Excel and then calculate this. A large draw of having a cloud-based CRM is to not have to use desktop-based applications.