Profile Information Security
It appears that all users can edit (using the pencil icon) in the new Profile Information area, and we cannot find a control in Feature Security to limit who can make edits. Help, please!
Accounts continue to be linked after split
Records that are created by "linking to existing" rather than retyping all of the information manually are continuing to stay linked after being split which creates a compliance issue. We have clients that were linked at the time of creation but have
Save UDF changes when saving opportunity/asset/insurance
When adding an opportunity/asset/insurance, etc, I should be able to edit my UDFs the same as any of the other information on the screen, without having to "edit" that section. I frequently hit the "save" button at the top of the screen after adding all
Starting a workflow from the meeting monitor
The Meeting Monitor report is simply a reference report without visible record types and the ability to mass add an action based off this data. Like the tools available in the record grid, there should be checkboxes with an option to mass add a scheduling
Schwab Integration Update
Requesting to have the Schwab integration update contact information in the CRM.
Date format for letters
Please create a date format for date merge field: Month day, year. For example, August 28, 2019. I can't believe it is not a current format. Thank you.
Prebuilt Reports
Reports should not be limited to 200 records.
Alert urgency
I would like to see different urgency options for alerts and FYIs, for example if we assign an urgent action that absolutely has to be taken care of that day, it would be nice to mark it as "urgent" somehow so that the person receiving the action can
Voice input integration via Chrome and any other Junxure compatible browsers
It would be great if Junxure had an integration with a voice input company for Chrome and other compatible browsers. All Microsoft Applications come with a new voice input option and all users would like to begin using voice input within Junxure as well.
Action Grid
We would love to see a way to filter the action grid space to see all actions due 2 weeks or sooner on a rolling basis rather than inputting a date and having to change it everyday. This would be extremely helpful to the work we do and I believe everyone
Employment Tab: Adding to Grid View
Please allow the Employment Tab fields to be added to the Record Grid Field selections. Right now we have no way to run a grid with employer information by contact. You can complete the fields in the Employment Tab for each contact and there is no way
Meeting Fields
Please add the Last Meeting and Next Scheduled field to the Records search grid. I send a scheduling email blasts to all of our 400 clients for each season. I select the appropriate clients and send a mass email, but I'm unable to see the information
Client access to our calendars for ability to schedule meetings
Is there anything like this available? Clients click a link in an email signature and have access to set an appointment. Maybe that can create a meeting action template. SalesForce has a Schedule A Call feature. See snips attached...
Allow email links to function like normal mailto links
Elsewhere on the web, when an email address is made into a clickable link, the browser knows to open that link using the default email program on the system (e.g. Outlook). So I'd click and my system would open Outlook with a new message
Text in email body action
Good morning - Jamar helped me today, and he suggested that I suggest this idea to the discussion board. Our firm would really like an option for the email body to be captured within an email captured from Outlook. Is there any way to get the content
See reminders when viewing actions from the actions grid.
We can't see the new reminders when we open an action from the actions grid (it still shows the old record summary with the old "alerts"), which is frustrating. You have to take the extra step to open the record to see any reminders. This is causing issues
Action Tags viewable on Action Grids
It would be very helpful to have Action Tags as reportable in the column chooser on actions grids, like we can with record tags on the records grid. We use action tags consistently and for a variety of reasons and it would be helpful to export those tags
How best to track client gift expenses in Advisor Engine?
The old desktop Junxure had dedicated fields for tracking client gift expenses. Actions provided an expenses tab that could track the cost of an individual gift purchase. The dashboard for a contact record had a table that automatically added up expenses
Bulk Recurring Actions
Some of the recurring actions that I want to go out are specific to keywords that the service monitor does not cover. Would like to set up recurring actions for clients based on keywords or based on who the CSR is.
Dashboard Tile - Upcoming Client Meetings
I thought this dashboard tile was helpful as it would give me a sneak peek of people I was meeting with soon and would cause me to triple check and make sure I had all of the information I needed for a productive meeting. However, I then learned that
Opportunities Dashboard Tile
The existing dashboard tiles are not entirely helpful (at least as I can see). The dashboard should be primarily focused on information for day to day duties, not something that you check on periodically. I do not need to know that 37% of my opportunities
Move Documents between folders
Hello, Please add the ability to move documents in mass within a client record folder structure. We have a folder and we now need to segment documents within that folder. We added two subfolders and want to move the documents to the appropriate sub folders.
Mass Document Upload
Would be nice to have the ability to upload multiple documents. As easy as an index file with the document name and record ID match that could link a folders contents to the record.
Please bring back old option to email from an Action
I totally get the many people may want to use email templates, but we create original emails within actions. Now that the most recent update was made, we cannot send an email w/the M365 online version and copy other team members. We are now back to emailing
Grid for Actions by Teammember like on Desktop
Please have a spot in Cloud that lists open actions by team member like you had on desktop
Won/Lost Clients dashboard card
According to the dashboard card overview, the won/lost client dashboard card only looks at records with the "Client" classification. Terminated clients do not retain the "Client" classification when they terminate. We change them to "Ex-Client" to have
FYI Dashboard Tile
A dashboard should ultimately be a one-stop shop for everything that the user needs to do their primary duties or that demands their attention. Having a dashboard to view FYIs to me would make things clearer and reduce the time I spend clicking arou
Action Grid Formatting and Navigation
It would be great if the actions grid would retain the formatting that is in the action. The actions grid is very challenging to read without any spacing, bold, bullets, etc. This requires you to click in to an action to be able to read the details. After
Consider adapting the Microsoft 365 add in to be used for all correspondence on the users desktop
Consider adapting the Microsoft 365 add in to be used for all correspondence on the users desktop, not cloud, but also avoiding the programs word editor. Currently mass emails must go through a process of creating a distribution list, starting an email
Are you finding that AE's Worldox component works well, and do you also use Kofax?
We just migrated and are using AE's own doc handling/mngmnt system. I checked preferences today and noticed AE offers an interface with Worldox. And that program plays nicely with Kofax, which we have used for ages and really like. If anyone has any experience
Docusign Intergration
Hello, our firm utilizes both docusign and JX daily. We were looking to see if theres anything in the works for bridging both. What would be extremely useful for us would be an automated upload of a completed docusign document to junxure under the c
Custom data import from other platforms
The inability to import into user defined fields from other platforms, such as ORION, is a major deficiency with Junxure, and it may ultimately be the straw that breaks the camel's back for me. There are a number of items which we update regularly, and
Link to Parent Action on New Dashboard
When viewing a Child Action from the New Dashboard, I am unable to see the Parent Action information for reference as you could with the Legacy Dashboards. I very much enjoy the New Dashboard but would love to be able to see the Parent Action instead
Document Attachment - Workflows
For Workflows that have multiple steps that will be launched to others, it would be great if when I attach docs to the initial action, and when I complete it and I'm prompted to launch the rest of the actions I would also be prompted with the option for
Adding a Document Tab to Workflow Templates
Adding a Document Tab to Workflow Templates Many of our templates have instructions to send a form to a client, and having the ability to add that via a document tab, instead of embedding it within the notes section, would be ideal.
Action Note formatting
When you enter notes in the "body" of the action, there is the ability to use bullets and all things to draw the attention to someone of what is important. Please make it so the formatting sticks when you are reviewing all actions for the client. Currently,
We should be able to add, delete, or change name of folders. We should be able to add sub folders. The document system is of little value structured in its current design.
User Defined Fields- their field name as two words please, not one
I'd like to be able to use Annual Income. Not Annualincome, nor Annual_Income. When I export to excel, it makes a total mess all clumped together. Also, instead of user fields importing to AE from Desktop WITH the data from Desktop, a new set of user
Can't See Bottom Items in Create >> Workflow Menu
When creating an action through the Create button >> Workflow, it is not possible to see the bottom items in the last menu's list.
Assets grid showing periodic withdrawals
In the Desktop version, the account tab listed each account and the withdrawal amount and frequency for each client. In Cloud, I have to open each account and scroll down to Money Movement to see if a client is taking a distribution, and if so, how much.
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