Skip Recurring Actions
I would love to have the ability to skip recurring actions. For example, if I have a recurring action that's supposed to pop up every month on the 5th, but I happen to get it done ahead of time (either because I had extra time, the client happened to
Service Monitor - Linked Services
It would be awesome to have one service kick off after the completion of another. For instance, a workflow for a client is finished, and another service of a workflow to start six months later kicks in automatically. Right now, the first workflow needs
My Pending Actions - Set the Grid to Not Change When You Use a Different Actions Grid
When you go to Actions and choose a grid, and then navigate back to My Pending Actions, the pending actions grid inherits the characteristics of the last grid you used in Actions. The My Pending Actions area should only change if you make a change in
Annuity Tab In the Record
Please would like you to revisit the "tab" for annuities. This type of tracking for clients is now more important than ever. Attached are the "boxes" we would like and yes every one has meaning. One tab not included is "contingent beneficiary(s)".
Make Insured & Owner Selectable, in addition to Fillable
When adding insurance information, the Insured, Owner, Agent, and Beneficiary should all be selectable from record/person cards within AE.
Reporting Dates by Month instead of Full Date
I need to be able to run reports on Policy Dates, but I need to exclude the year. I see that this is possible with the birthday report. Can you allow reporting on dates by just month, please?
Be able to customize the fields certain groups can edit
We have a group within our firm that doesn't have the ability to edit records, but it would be helpful if we could pick and choose which fields that group could edit/not edit, instead of all or nothing. Example: they could add an informational contact,
Person Summary Card - Contact Info
It would be really helpful to be able to see all contact info (more than one phone number or email) from the summary card. I know you can only add 15 options, but we would like to use the options Phone 1, Phone 2, etc or Mobile Phone, Home Phone, et
Linking a Outlook Appointment to Advisor Engine Calendar (Drop down calendar)
When our firm links a Outlook appointment to the Advisor Engine calendar to get the action into the record it is very cumbersome when using the Advisor Engine calendar. When scheduling a meeting 6 or 12 months out we need to individually click from month
Prospect Intake API
The new prospect webforms are great to see, but unfortunately as an iframe they just don't integrate cleanly into the look and feel of our website. I'd love to see an API available that would function similarly, even if it's just a simple webhook that
Dark Mode- easier on eyes
A lot of systems and apps (ie: outlook) have a "dark mode" option to make the background darker and easier on our eyes since we sit in front of computers all day. Please look into a setting option to turn this on/off per user preference.
Double-click on a document to open it
Make it so you can simply double-click on a document to open it (rather than 3 dot->download file) as this is much more common procedure and eliminates one click to make the experience more streamlined. ---- In general, I feel AdvisorEngine should do
Add Pickleball as an "Interest" choice in Profile
Please add Pickleball as an "Interest" choice in Profile.
Bulk emails to just Person 2
Hi, Can you please add some type of functionality that makes it possible to send a bulk email just to those in the Person 2 slot on a record? There are situations like RMDs where I might want to send a bulk email to folks and the email I'm sending doesn't
Attach and email Sharefile documents from workflows
Would be very beneficial to have the ability to email sharefile documents from workflow/email templates.
Copy Recurring workflow to other contacts (and print recurring workflows!)
Would be great to be able to copy a recurring workflow to another record and also to be able to print a recurring workflow.
Multiple Tab Labels
Is it possible to have the Tab list the Record Name? Ex: I usually have around 9 tabs open at any given time but they all say "Record Details / Junxure Cloud". Is it possible that the tab would reflect which Record is on that tab? I find myself clicking
Record Names on Tabs
Right now, each of the 7 "tabs" I am working with says "Household I Advisor Engine" - wouldn't it be MAGICAL if each tab could reflect the Record Name of each client open on that tab? It would be like having your own stable of easily identifiable unicorns
New Workflow Disappears When Trying to Send Email
When you create a new Workflow - and then try to "Send Email" from inside that Workflow before saving it, the workflow disappears entirely and needs to be recreated. Suggestion: give the option to Save the workflow, same as you would if trying to send
Mail Chimp
Please add Mail Chimp to Integrations
Zapier Integration
It would be great if Junxure developed an integration with Zapier.
Update the FYI feature
Please consider updating the FYI feature to function more like it did in desktop. It is so difficult for us to know whether we have sent a new FYI to a team member. We don't usually want to FYI on save, because we don't want to FYI everyone who was initially
Mobile App or Phone website version update
I enjoy the website version very much of Advisor Engine/Junxure. But would much appreciate a mobile phone app or an update to the website version via Mobile. When on the road, I am very limited to what I can access to our CRM and the client record. I
Record tags
When editing record tags, it would be helpful to see the entire name of the tag. Currently it shows "ACC. TYPE..." so, for example, you have to remember if it's the 3rd one, 4th one, etc.
Service Monitor Meeting Frequency Fix
When I go in to override the meeting frequency from 1 meeting per year to 2, the "Next Due" remains the same. The monitor should go back to the last meeting and calculate from there. This is not the case - please fix. Thanks!
Classification and Tages - Ease of View
Classifications and Tags were much easier to view and follow in the previous AE version. Please restore this format option. Linda Rachel Guardian Capital Group
Record Tags
It would be great to have an option in using Record Tags that we could order the tags in order of importance to our firm. You did this for Custom User Fields, why can't the same idea be set up for the Record Tag. Also, when the New Record Layout, fewer
Ability to Expand the Summary Window in Workflow Setup
Some of our workflows are lengthy - It would be great to be able to expand the summary window so we can reorder tasks/actions if needed:
Defauilt Font for Emails
Please create an option where we can select from the fonts available in the email editor so that any one of them could be the default font.
Open first action in workflow upon creation
This may already be possible and I just don't know how to do it... It would be really cool and super helpful if you are creating a new workflow, after you hit Add Workflow Steps, that the first action in the workflow would automatically open on your screen.
Hiding Deceased Spouse at Record Level
Our firm would love if we could have the ability to 'Hide' a deceased spouse at the record level with the click of a button. We review contact information with our clients on Junxure and we believe this would be a great upgrade to be able to be sensitive
Change the folder icon to show if there is anything in it
Change the folder icon under documents to distinguish between folders that are empty and ones that contain documents or subfolders.
Delete Grid Templates
It would be great if the admin user(s) could delete Grid Templates created by other users. We have a TON of grid templates, most of them created by users who are no longer with the firm, so we have no way to delete the old templates, and they just clog
We need a way to export all the estate planning data to a file en masse, or at least a way to run a report that shows all this data in one place. Currently it appears the only way to get to this data is in each record, one at a time. No way to filter,
Alphabetize Record Tags
It is very difficult to see the record tags as they are currently displayed. If you are unable to expand the record tag to display fully, can you please default to have the record tags alphabetized so it is easier to locate the tag you are looking for?
Web Form Customizability
The idea is to develop a customized Web Form for potential clients, enabling seamless data synchronization with the AE 'Prospects' tab. While the existing AE Web Form can only accommodate generic information, the proposal aims to incorporate specific
Dark Mode
Suggestion: It would be good to have an option for dark mode.
Adding Labels To Record Card Level
When at the home page of a record, and looking at the record cards, labels do not appear to show who the phone number and email address belongs to. When you dig in and go into contact information the labels show; I believe it would be a nice improvement
Meeting Monitor Report on Dashboard
It would be great to have the Meeting Monitor Report on a card on the Dashboard. Thank you!
Please add Reminder settings to actions ASAP. It is very hard to keep up with my daily work without being able to set up reminders for myself. I've reverted to handwritten lists which is more work and the opposite of what enhancing technology should provide.
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