GoToConnect / Jive Integration
GoToConnect is a unified phone and meeting software by LogMeIn. It would be nice to have an integration that does the following. Screen Pop - Customer information and note history automatically Pop Up with incoming and out-going calls. Automated Call
Display edited Workflow Name in Workflow Monitor View
There are times when I have a lot of workflows open with the same name: It would be AMAZING, if you would show my edited workflow name, as shown below, in the view above, so I don't have to click the plus sign to open lots of workflows to find the one
Advisor 1 & 2 Fields
It would be great to utilize a pick list of names not just from users in the CRM but as a picklist to choose from of names. Thank you!
Custom Fields has a combo checklist option
In User Defined Fields, it would be nice to create a custom field that has the checklist functionality but being able to check off multiple options (ie: financial services). Similar to the combo, but the ability to check multiple.
Edit Recurring Actions in Bulk
If a workflow template is edited, it does not get updated in recurring actions. This would be a very helpful upgrade!
Feature Request- Add Team Member Designations
I would like to add Financial Planner as a Team Member Designation, specifically in the Service Monitor report. We have this created as an additional Team Member Designation but I would like to be able to pull it on the report.
"Cell" or "Mobile"
You list both in separate areas - can we just stick to "cell" and get rid of "mobile" - this has bothered me for years! I don't know why, but it just does - hahaha.
Record search- include nickname
When you type in the Record Search field, it would would be nice to have the nickname field show. I know you recently added other options to show up. Our CEO asked for this and this would be very helpful when searching for a client/record.
Add More fonts to email
Please add more up-to-date fonts to the word editor, i.e., Freestyle Script.
Record Profile Details
Would be much easier to use if we could default the profile detail sections to collapsed because it is too much to have to see everything all at once every time.
Workflow Setup - Reminder to Save/Save Status
It would be nice to have a date/time stamp in the workflow setup to show the last time the workflow template was saved (not in the grid, but when you're actually editing the workflow, maybe somewhere in the area below) Also, it would be helpful to have
Dashboard - Why is there no cards for Insurance
There are no cards available for insurance policies. Will there be any available soon.
Reminders Visible in Action
Please make reminders visible in an action like alerts used to be.
Add "Reminders" to be included in Summary Card
It would be so helpful if you included the Reminders to show up when you click on Summary Card (within the actions). We have very important info in Reminders section which would be helpful to see when we pull up Summary Card to call a client. I know you
Ability to Edit the Reminder from actions
When working in actions I can click the icon to view the reminder. It would be great if I could also edit the reminder when viewing. HOW WE USE IT There is usually an event that takes place to cause the update of reminders. That event is noted in an action
Add the reminders tab to show on each tab instead of just the summary page (the entire description across the top, not just the symbol). That way, when doing an action, the reminders are clear and you don't have to search for it. They sometimes are not
Ability to Bulk Change Actions
The ability to bulk change actions (due date, priority, assigned to, etc.) from the actions grid would be a huge upgrade that would save a ton of time. It's currently a very manual and time consuming process.
Expanding the Actions Data Change Tool
It would be a huge help to expand the actions data change tool to be able to mass change the assigned to and the due date fields. This would save a ton of time as we're constantly pushing multiple actions back in due date and right now it is a one by
Capitalized file extentions will not upload
Our Xerox copier creates PDF files with capitalized file extensions, e.g. "Xerox_scan_123456.PDF" This is hard-coded into our Xerox device and cannot be changed. When a user attempts to upload a document with a capitalized file extension into a contact's
copy and paste extra clicks
I am unable to just copy and paste when creating emails through workflows. Instead, I have to hit the paste at the top and paste it separately in order for it to get to the body of the email.
Dashboard - new client by source/lost client by reason
It would be nice to see new/won clients by source on a dashboard. We can see all opportunities by channel, but I want to actually see where the new clients that signed up came from. This would also be helpful for completing benchmark surveys (i.e. Schwab).
Medicare Eligibility
Create a dashboard using the DOB for the Contact cards to remind us of Medicare eligibility. Showing the 3 months prior to 65 and 3 months after. Currently we just filter a search grid under the records for both, and merge it into one excel, it works
2 Way Exchange Sync!!!
Very frustrating to go from Junxure desktop with 2 way contact sync on an exchange server to 1 way sync. PLEASE integrate 2 way sync for exchange ASAP!
Last Contact Report Presort Should Be By Days Since Last Contact
Desktop junxure Last Contact report was presorted by the largest number of "Days Since Last Contact". The CRM Last Contact report is presorted alphabetically by "Record Name." Also, CRM version of report exports to excel with merged fields - have to unmerge
Opportunity Status Report - Sorting
Would be helpful if there was a way to edit the sorting of the groupings within the Opportunity Status Report. As of now the report does not appear to be sorted in any useful manner.
Show amount of workflows by priority
Our firm really wants the ability to be able to have the amount of workflows by priority (possibly other fields too). This allows us to be able to see how many we have worked through and ease stress. This was a feature in Junxure Desktop. Example: NOW
Add Full Legal Name as a Field under a Person's Profile or Allow Custom Fields for the Person Record
It would be really nice to have a field for "Legal Name" or "Full Legal Name" under a person's profile info because sometimes this is different than what we want to have listed for the name that pulls into a person's record. (For example, a client's full
Font color when editing fields in summary card
When editing fields on the summary card, the dark gray font is barely visible when you put your cursor over the field to edit the data. When you move your cursor away, the background turns white again and you can see the input, but it's very difficult
Linking Assets
When you are linking assets to an action it would be nice to select more than one at a time, rather than having to select one, click add, and then select another one, click add, and so on.
Import Changes to Custom Fields
I thought I saw this mentioned somewhere, but can't find it now. Are there plans to allow us to update custom fields via an import? It's a pain to have to edit each record one by one. Thanks!
Acknowledging All FYI's
Can we get a warning when you click on "Acknowledge All" to make sure that is what you want to do? I just accidentally acknowledged all and there is no way to undo that. I tend to have a lot of FYI's and I have no idea what I acknowledged.
Ability to Add Middle Name Field between First and Last Name on the Person Summary Layout
The majority of our clients use their middle initial (or their full legal name) when they open an account, so having the ability to see the First, Middle, and Last names all together in the heading of the client summary card would be extremely helpful.
Clear dates from field
It seems like we aren't able to clear a date field once a date is entered. For example, if a client terminated 10 years ago, but has re-engaged with us, I'm not able to delete the previous "termination date" from their record, which affects the dashboard
Ability to Type Dates in Identification Section
It would be substantially faster to be able to type in the issue and expiry dates for IDs instead of having to click through the calendars.
Compliance Tab
My coworker and I were just talking and we would love if there was a Compliance tab. It would be great if it pulled data from across AdvisorEngine that we already have in addition to a few other pieces of information. Existing data that would be nice
Save Button at bottom of Opportunity
Having a second save button at the bottom of an opportunity would be nice. so after filling it in, I don't have to scroll back to the top to click it. It's a small thing, but after a while, it gets annoying.
Ability to Customize Client Record Page
When pulling up a client record, we would like the ability to customize which tiles display on the landing page for that record. For example, we need the ability to pin the Record Actions that shows the actual upcoming and completed actions for that client
Viewing All Contact Information From An Action
Be able to view all contact information (phone numbers, email, address) in addition to those that appear on the summary card when creating an Action from the Quick Create Menu - like desktop version. The desktop version listed all phone numbers, client
Alerts - Prospects
It would be great if there was a way to set up an alert for when a new prospect comes in. We are using web flows for new clients, and it would be helpful to get an alert/email when one comes in!
Paste image into an Action
We use Snag-it and it would be nice to paste an image in the Action box, instead of having to open a Document and paste the image within the document
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