More than 2 Client Cards
It would be beneficial to have the option for more than 2 client cards in a record. We have several clients who have a POA that calls in on their behalf. Having another card for those clients so we can link them to the record and keep all the notes, meetings,
Revenue Import and Number of Contacts on Record Cards
It would be extremely nice to have the ability to add more than 2 contacts per Record. When running the Revenue Import via TIN, it won't find the children that own UTMAs and CESAs as we have them listed as informational contacts. In addition, Trusts that
more than two persons per record
In most cases, two people is sufficient, a husband and a wife. But there are times when we need more. Like a trust with three trustees, or a new client whose two daughters and two sons-in-law call in regularly. If I make a record for each of them, emails
Revenue Import - by Account Number
It would be great if we are importing revenue by account number that it would look across all tabs like the insurance. Currently, it doesn't pick up any of the insurance policies that are listed on the "Insurance" field. It is only looking at items in
Revenue Import - show rows that didn't match and increase the number of rows
It would be great if the "Revenue Import" would let us know which rows did not match and why (account number not found or revenue type not found). Just stating how many rows didn't import is not sufficient. Also, I have learned today that the maximum
Insights Dashboard Item - Clients by CSR
Add functionality to see Clients by CSR similar to Clients by Advisor
Notes Section for the Record - editing options
It's great that you have added more functionality to the Notes Section for the record. Problem is the editing is not the same as when you are in an action. Can you please make the Notes editing be the same as the action? The one item we are trying to
Dashboard - Client Life Events - add to date options
We send birthday and anniversary cards to clients, but we need to be able to pull the list a month in advance in order to have everything ready in time. It would be great if the Client Life Events dashboard tile had an option for "Next Month" - not just
Duck Duck Go browser
We're noticing some functionality difficulties with the CRM when using the Duck Duck Go browser (most noticeable is inability to use Ctrl+J). Please consider supporting Duck Duck Go as a functional browser. Thank you.
We would like to be able to run a report (or use the grid) to see which records have tax data entered for a specific year (to help us track who we are missing tax info from)
Dashboard Default to open in new tab
Any record links or actions clicked within a dashboard should open in a new tab by default. There is currently no way to return to your previous position in a dashboard.
Reducing the number clicks in AE CRM
General comment that modern CRMs focus on reducing the number of clicks to work through the CRM. Anything that can be done to reduce the number of clicks in the CRM would be extremely helpful, efficient and help us gain back time.
Completed tasks - email when completed
I don't have time to keep checking to see if tasks I have assigned are completed. It would be nice if the program emailed me if a task was completed.
Capture Relationship Emails
Many times, relationships like attorneys and CPAs don't need their own record. It would be extremely helpful if relationship emails could be captured.
AUM by age range
I would like to be able to change the "As of date" for the AUM by age range card. It defaults to "as of today" right now. When completing benchmarking reports (which usually want data as of 12/31), or trying to get trends over time, it would be helpful
Last Updated field under Assets
I would like to request that the Last Updated field under Assets become a reportable field. Currently our firm does not have direct feeds from investment companies into AdvisorEngine, we use another portfolio tracking system that is separate from AdvisorEngine
Flag contact info when changed within past 30 days
With increasing cybersecurity concerns, advisors and staff often need to check contact information to process an e-signature request or make an outbound phone call. Standard process is contact information must be at least 30 days old before it is considered
Outlook Junxure Addin - Mulitiple Email add
Hi, A huge help for us, would be with the Outlook Junxure Add-in to be able to select multiple emails and manage (add to action) all at once, instead of having to go one by one. Thanks, Eric
Link more than two individuals to a company/business record
It would helpful to be able to link more than two individuals to a company/business record. I have several business clients that have more than two owners - Being able to link them all would be ideal. I co[pied this from a prior post so it can be voted
Add more than 2 people to a record and more flexibility with Households
We focus a lot on Families. We are like a multifamily office. This means we have relationships with Generation 1, 2, 3 in some cases. It would be nice to see the entire household one the main record page, maybe a widget below. Also, it would be nice to
Email Alerts/Notifications
hello Our Compliance and Operations Department do not use Advisor Engine. In order for them to use Advisor Engine, they would have to receive an email notification that an Action was created for them. This would be a great feature to have per person or
visual or tonal alert for new Actions
Under Junxure desktop, we would get a pop up alert that showed us how many new (or unacknowledged) actions we had. Now that only happens if I'm actually in the Junxure site on my browser. Would love to have an alert pop up similar to Outlook on my desktop,
Birthday List Check-box on Summary
Please put the birthday list check box on the record summary page. Too many people at our firm forget to go into the actual record to check the box when entering the info and we like to celebrate milestone birthdays with our clients.
Add Advisor 3 to Action Workspace
Please add advisor 3 to action workspace so we can view advisor 3's actions easily in the action workspace.
Filter the Dashboard Card: Clients - Out of Contact
The dashboard card for "Clients - Out of Contact" only filters by date range or advisor. It would be nice to also filter by type of contact. For example, to exclude emails and only look at the last action type for a phone or meeting. Our firm sometimes
adding text to Notes Editor is double spaced when you hit enter button
The notes editor currently will always input a blank line when using a line break, and there is not a way to modify that setting. Text that naturally flows to the other line will be single spaced, but using Enter to change lines results in the blank line.
Widen the Record Tiles, Please!
I am glad to see that emails now wrap instead of being cut off, and there is a new copy feature. But can you please widen the record tiles so that most emails don't wrap? Thanks
Add a copy button next to all text fields to make copying data a quicker process
This could also be done in other places but specifically under client summary I'd like there to be a copy button next to the edit pencil for quick copying of the data on each line.
List Advisor 1 under Relationships Tab
It would be helpful to see, at a glance, a column for who the Advisor 1 is for each relationship listed to a client without having to click back to the original client or click into that relationship person (i.e. child).
Promote Informational contact
As was possible in Junxure Desktop, please include the option to promote an informational contacts/relationships into it's own Junxure record. Thank you!
Informational Contacts to Contact Records
It would be amazing to be able to click a button to promote an Informational Contact to their own Contact Record that would bring over all the data from the Informational Contact into the new record. This would avoid having to re-enter information that
Profile»Personal»Notes Please allow the options to expand this section when entering information. The window is is very small when entering data. Suggestion, would be to provide an option similar to the expand option in an action. See attached examp
Personal Information/Notes Section Edit Box
In the Notes section, we see only 7 lines at a time in the edit box which isn't enough. We keep a lot of Notes. Please have the box size increased.
Notes section under Records Profile
When reading existing NOTES under each Record it is a LARGE screen. When we select the EDIT feature it gets super small to about 1.5 In of screen space- some extensive notes can take 5-10 minutes to scroll to locate a piece to edit. EXPAND the EDIT screen
Prompt for Save
When editing a section, e.g. Notes or Personal Information, it would be really, really nice to have a prompt when trying to go to a new section without saving. I can't tell you how many times I have had to retype data because I had forgotten to save
Notes HTML Text
We use Notes, Important Information to store web address, user and passwords for a variety of vendors. It would be nice to have HTML capable text options so we can add hyperlinks in Notes Section. Right now the only option is plain text.
Fonts / highlighting / underlining: compliance and accessibility
In a Record, the top menu bar- Notes, opens a box where you can type in important information. There is no way to distinguish anything anymore as being more important by using a larger font, a different font, highlighting it- typing in RED. We often need
Button to Copy Email Address
When copying an email address from the record summary, you currently have to click into the address as if you are editing it. It would be helpful to have a "copy" button next to the email address to automatically bring the info into your clipboard, which
Relationships - Age
Would be nice to see the age of each Relationship in the grid, not just DOB. Otherwise, I need to open five different tabs.
Allow Dates to be Typed rather than Selected
I want to be able to type the full date in any date field, rather than select from a calendar. It takes at least 3x as long to run through the little calendar than it would to just type in the exact date. I wouldn't mind if the calendar was an option,
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