Attach Account Number to actions
We used this feature extensively in Desktop and now realize it is not an option in Cloud.
Email Link Opens Message Draft in Outlook
Hello, We do not use AdvisorEngine for client emails, using Outlook instead. It would be great to be able to have the option to click an email address in a client record and have that open a new message in Outlook.
Shareable Dashboards
Hello the Dashboards are AWESOME! Suggestion: Create an option to share dashboards OR Like the workspace template searches allow me to steal someone else search, allow user to grab someone's dashboard without the option to edit.
Assign more than one user to an action
We would like to have a feature created so that when someone is putting in an action, they can assign it to multiple people instead of just one user.
Edit Subject/Details while adding workflow
It would be nice if we could edit the subject of actions (or even edit who they are assigned to, due date, etc.) while we are adding a workflow, rather than adding the workflow, then having to go back in and edit the action to update the subject or any
Have More Than 5 Reminders on Summary Page
Would like to request the ability to add more than 5 reminders to a clients record and be able to view them on the Summary page.
Copy Action ID Feature
It would be helpful if there was a copy feature/button next to the Action ID to make it easy to copy. The updates in the new view made the Action ID a little more difficult to copy because of where the Action ID is located. The copy feature would assist
Action Calendar Date
On the different calendar date fields in actions have a today button that defaults to the current date.
Summary card through Action workspace
When navigating to an Action through Records workspace, we can easily click the Summary Card icon to temporarily view critical data. That's great! However, the Summary Card icon is not available when we navigate to an Action through the Actions workspace
"Asset Data Change Tool" - Add Rebalance field or allow custom fields to be selected
It would be awesome if we could allow custom fields to be selected for the "Asset Data Change Tool". Currently I have to spend hours updating our "Last Rebalance Date" field individually because the Asset Data Change Tool won't let me mass edit this data.
Link Two Previously Created Actions
It would be really great if we could link previously created actions together instead of creating a new action to add under the parent action. This way we can preserve emails and attached documents instead of having to go back to add them to the new action.
Copy Workflow no e-mail
It would be helpful to be able to choose when copying Actions whether or not to include the linked/attached e-mails. We often times do not want prior e-mails association with the copied Action. Thank you for considering this enhancement.
Filter Indicator
Prior to the update there used to be a yellow line item here that indicated which filters were set on the grid. Having this visible helps determine if the results displayed on the grid are accurate.
Schedule Reports for Automatic Creation
Our office holds a meeting each Monday to go over 3 different reports that we run in AE. Each Monday, I go into the Report Assistant and generate and print/email these reports to each attendee. It would be a huge benefit to us to be able to automate the
Report Optimization For Monthly Items
My team has weekly meetings in which we pull a report with workflow record actions between the first and last days of every month. Currently, we have to manually change the report "between" fields for each new month that we go to run it. I attempted to
Custom Dashboards
Should be able to create dashboards based on chosen inputs. Not just premade ones. Be able to choose inputs for pie/bar charts.
Relationship Dependent
How can I differentiate which is the Dependent when it appears in both records? E.g., Parent/child, when I click dependent on the child's record, it now also appears on the parent's record as well.
Orion Asset import
When the asset import from Orion syncs into CRM we have to go to each record and then the asset/account and manually check the managed box every time (it does get missed/forgotten). Can this be defaulted in the import to be checked already?
Alerts in Cloud Only Show When on the CRM Tab
We are converting from desktop and rely HEAVILY on the pop up alerts that come to the front of your computer screen and stay displayed, no matter what program you are using. With Cloud lacking that functionality, we are going to have to assign a time-sensitive
Anniversary Date and Date Became Client
Please note that the grid does not have a column for Anniversary Date and the column chooser is still referring the Date Became Client. This is confusing to users who may not know that the Anniversary Date is the same as Date Became Client. In addition,
Allow for Editing of Person Cards from Summary
I'd like it if I was able to edit a person card from the summary page in the same way that you can add a new person from the summary page. The pop-up pasted below could pop up for editing so that I could make easy changes from the summary instead of having
Print Actions from Record
Would like the ability to print the Workflows> Record Actions from the record level. I can print them from the Actions> All Actions workspace (global). Would like to have the same functionality.
Add Tax ID Number or allow UDF to be "hidden"
I want to be able to add the Tax ID Number of the businesses that we work with, formatted correctly, but still hidden like Social Security Numbers are. I don't want to add a TIN to the SSN portion of a Person card, as that's not an intuitive place for
Opportunity Reports
Hi! I like the look of the opportunity reports but wondering if there was a way to do the following: Add another column that's included inside the opportunity. More specifically the comments column. I find this would be helpful when reviewing the report
Dashboard Action Items Showing by Day
Hello, On the Action Items widget(?) where you have your Today, Past Due, and Upcoming Action Items, to list below these numbers the actions that are due by date.
Collapse All in Record Actions
Hello, When grouping Record Actions (by say Master Subject, etc.), it would be great to get a button to collapse all/expand all.
Click to Call
Hello Junxure Team It would be nice if telephone numbers were clickable links when using my desktop computer. We would be using MiCollab Client. FYI This too already integrates with Sales Force. Example: I go to a clients record, click on the telephone
Ability to send email from work item
Junxure is incapable of sending an email from within a work item. as example, I create global work item for all clients "Quarterly Report", then I open each work item and wish to simply send the client and additional emails (spouse) their quarterly report
Accessibility / ease of viewing
I'd like to request support from the community, if anyone else feels that the ability to Opt-In in on the Firm Profile, or on a User basis, to have the option to shade every other line in the Pending Actions screen a different color? We do it now in Desktop,
Add CC: to an email
Junxure doesn't allow for adding an email address in cc: when using Microsoft 365 editor (as you know the Junxure email editor is junk and not supported). As example, I created a tax email template that I send to all clients which I slightly customize
Junxure Freezing
Am I the only one that needs to refresh my screen several times a day because of buffering? It's always after I have typed in notes and I can't hit Save. Or when I've added steps to a workflow - and can't hit Save. It seems to be a daily occurrence and
Group Workflows by Master Subject Date
Hello, It would be great to be able to sort workflows/actions by the date of the master subject. That way you can default to have your most recent actions, grouped by master, showing first.
Sub Menus don't go away
I just noticed this after the most recent update. If I hover over one of the left navigation menus, I get the popups for the sub-menus. But, when I move my mouse away from there, the sub menu doesn't go away. I have to hover over another navigation tab
Reports Enhancement
Hello, My firm currently uses AE "canned" reports when prepping for meetings, specifically Contact Information and Beneficiary reports as a confirm/update where necessary worksheet for clients. When pulling these reports I have a couple of complaints.
Assigning Groups or Multiple Individuals to Actions/Workflows
Would it be possible to allow the same user group selections already used for FYI to be assigned to an action? Or a feature to assign a group and/or multiple individual team members to an action. We would like to build certain processes to mirror and
Include calendar link under "Linked Items" for action
After creating an action and linking it to a calendar appointment, there's no way to jump from the action to the calendar unless you're in edit mode. The section for "Linked Items" shows other things, but not the calendar link. I've attached a comparison
Multi-Step workflow - be able to delete a child action
When you initiate a multi-step workflow and it shows all the steps that are in it to "add the workflow", I would love to be able to delete a child action if I know I won't need that part of the flow.
Multi-Step WorkFlows to Function Like Single-Step
Update system such that when a user launches a multi-step workflow, the first record action in the workflow functions like a single-step in that it opens for the user initiating the workflow and is editable for the user before initiating the workflow
Trading Alert & Notification
For time sensitive trading actions, we are currently entering an action for the trader, then a cut and paste into MS Teams. If a trader is not monitoring his daily actions before close of market, he would miss the alert. I would like to see a pop-up on
Client Anniversary List
Request to have a "Client Anniversary List" checkbox added to the record so that a list can be generated to mail out anniversary cards for milestones with our firm- similar to the birthday list and it's functions. OR Have client anniversary display the
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